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Yard Notes Rental Policy

Customers of Yard Notes must agree to the rental policy below in its entirety prior to order confirmation.  Please take pride in your yard greeting display and treat it with respect. All items placed in the yard with your order are our property and you are responsible for it while it is in your yard.


  • We reserve the right to make adjustments or changes to your greeting due to yard size or conditions. (This may include location of installation, levels of stakes/signs, length or phrasing, etc.) We want your greeting to look amazing!

  • Due to liability concerns, we only provide service to residential properties and request that the owner of the home has agreed to the installation of the sign in their yard.  

  • We encourage you to pose next to the yard greeting to take photos. However, for the safety of everyone, especially children, please do not play on or around the yard signs.  Our items WILL NOT safely support the weight of a child or adult leaning, sitting, or playing on it. Please discourage all persons from playing on or around the display.

  • Please do not pull the signs from the ground, including our advertising sign. We may charge an additional fee if yard signs are damaged.

  • Please do not attach anything to any part of the display (balloons, flowers, etc). Balloons get hot in the sun. If a hot balloon blows against our signs, our sign may become damaged.

  • If you have a lawn crew coming, please arrange for them to come before we set up. Flying debris from mowers and trimmers may damage the yard signs.  Please also refrain from watering the lawn while our signs are in the yard.

  • If negligent damage occurs to any signs (dogs, moving, weed eaters, etc.), you may be charged for replacements.

  • It is best to notify the recipient to not harm the display, as you are still responsible for it.

  • Our greetings are meant to be pleasant surprises. Please remember to notify the homeowner that they will be receiving the greeting within 24 hours so that they can make arrangements.

  • If you want the Greeting removed early, please contact us immediately.

  • We begin installing greetings around 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM the evening before your event unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Yard Notes and the customer.

  • We like to take pictures of the greetings that we install in yards such as yours and may use the pictures to promote similar greetings on our website, on social media, and through other marketing channels.  To protect customer privacy, we will edit the pictures such that the delivery address is not shown in any picture.  If you do not want your picture displayed through these forums, please note that on your order form.  Thank you.


Fees For Missing or Damaged Items

  • You will be charged a fee of $15 per letter/graphic for missing or damaged lawn display items.  


Re-Delivery Fee

We will charge an additional $25 if we must re-deliver due to:

  • Customer provides an incorrect address, date or time. Please double check the address, date and time before ordering.

  • We are denied access to a gated community

  • Animals that prevent us from installation


Rush Orders (Within 48 Hours)

Rush and same day orders will be accommodated with the following conditions:

  • Based on available inventory

  • Rush fee applies if ordered within 48 hours of expected delivery date (please select this add-on when selecting your package)

  • Orders placed within 48 hours of requested event day are not guaranteed.  The order will be refunded if we are unable to complete the order. Major holidays include an additional fee.


Hazardous Conditions

  • In the event of inclement weather, we may not be able to set up any lawn displays and a full refund will be given. Inclement weather includes lightning/thunderstorms, hurricanes, heavy rain, high winds, winter weather conditions (such as ice and snow) and any other Acts of God that would put us or our lawn displays in harms way.  Please note that when the temperature falls below freezing that the ground will also freeze.  If this occurs, we will not be able to install the signs as they will not go into frozen ground.  If this occurs, we will contact you and attempt to reschedule delivery, or a full refund will be given.

  • Although we use best efforts to secure the signs, high winds will cause the signs to sway.   In very high winds (wind gusts above 20 MPH), the appearance of the sign may be significantly impacted.  Please call or text us if your greeting has been impacted by weather conditions.  We will do our best to re-secure the signs; however, if very high winds persist, we reserve the right to pick up the greeting and to offer a full or partial refund based upon the time that the greeting has been in use.


Refund Policy

  • Cancellations made at least 48 hours prior to set up will receive a full refund.

  • No refunds will be given due to the customer giving us the wrong address. We will send you a confirmation of your order via email so please DOUBLE CHECK the address, delivery date and time to make absolute sure there won’t be any problems.

  • No refunds will be given due to the homeowner requesting us to remove the lawn display.

  • No refunds will be given due to being denied access to a gated community. Please let the community guard know the date we will be arriving, or provide us with the gate access code if required.

  • No refunds will be given if a customer's home owner association does not agree to the display.

  • No refunds will be given due to any animals that prevent the display from being set up.

  • No refund will be given if we are unable to install your greeting due to not watering your yard ahead of time. A good way to test your yard is to insert a screwdriver about 6 inches into the ground.



  • We reserve the right to politely decline orders that are political, controversial, lewd, disrespectful or that do not fit the celebratory nature of our business. If an order is declined, a full refund will be given.  All signs remain our property. Any damage, destruction or tampering with the yard signs is prohibited. Signs should not be moved without our consent. You are responsible for replacement of the graphics, letters or stakes at full replacement value. Full payment for any signs that are damaged will be enforced.


Yard Notes and all representatives are not responsible or liable for any injury or damage that may be caused to any person or personal property during the set-up or removal of any rental.  


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